Where Travel meets Nature.


I am a nature lover, so when ever I travel , I try to include a nature activity. For me it is an irresistible indulgence.

You know nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished and if you truly love nature like I do , you will find beauty everywhere ( laura Ingalls )  And so for that I visited the Arboretum in Los Angeles. Here I came in contact with very friendly peacocks, a lush garden of roses, beautiful fountains, natural waterfall , taller than trees Cactus plants , tall desert palm trees and much more. The highlight of my day was having the privilege  to catch a phenomenal mirror image of beautiful fall colors from the tree bush around this botanical garden. It was my very first mirror image capture and I felt like a child in a candy store.  And to make it more special , the sun went down and the image disappeared soon after I took the picture and made a video. How epic was that? Now lets take a virtual tour of the Arboretum Botanical gardens in Los Angeles.

Botanic Garden Video Link
